Saturday, August 4, 2007

Full Rehearsal Kuching Festival Parade

What a sunny day...
It's cool that it's sunny day today, and it didn't rain.
Wow... It's going to have a full rehearsal today.

It's quite hot actually, but it's fun.

Look at the sky, it's sunny!

We were waiting the other group.
Here it's a hot waiting area.

And here! It's a cold waiting area, and gaming area too... -.-"

Everyone get ready for the rehearsal...

Mean while, let's take some picture. Say "Yeah..."

Wa... So tired... Everyone are resting after the performance, and waiting the other's performance.

There's no more place to sit, don't care, we just sit on the road...

Ok, that's all for today's update.
Thanks for your support and thanks again for reading.

Everyone! Let's break the Malaysia's Record for the real Kuching Festival Parade!
Sarawak Boleh! Malaysia Boleh!!!