Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sushi Making Day

Sushi Making Day, which is organized by Swinburne Japanese Language Club. There are many delicious sushi made by everyone, and it's look like everyone were enjoy the activity today.

Let my post become short and sweet.
From the very first, it's the ingredient made by Steven...

Ingredient made by Steven

Then it's me making my own sushi
The rice is so sticky... @_@"
(Photo taken by Sheng)

My sushi before roll it...
(Photo taken by Sheng)

After making our own sushi, we have our sushi competition. There are 4 groups who participant the competition. My group is group 2, formed with Videl, Kim, Hui Lin, and me...

Sushi of every group
(Photo taken by Hui Lin)

Sushi of group 2, which is our group's sushi, named Kawaii Fusion
(Photo taken by Hui Lin)

(A part of Kawaii Fusion)

And the result
Yeah... We won.... XD

The prize...

Hmm... Ok, that's all... XD


Anonymous said...

i know i wait until hungry tat day...

ToMCaT said...

Haha... Ya... I know...
Because too many people sharing the making tools... =.="